
The personal stories and adventures of a nerdy food lover.

Sponge drops keep falling on my head

“But that doesn’t mean my eyes will soon be going red”…… No, this post is not about the Burt Bacharach song but I have had sponge drops on my mind for the last couple of days. It all started at a social gathering I attended a while ago, where a good friend’s Mum (who is a wonderful baker), had brought along some of her delicious baked goods to share. There was one particular baked goodie that was a special one. It had two bits of sponge cake shaped like a small biscuit with lemon curd and cream sandwiched in between the sponge. It was absolutely devine! I had never had anything like it before. I was so impressed that I asked my friend’s Mum if she would share the recipe with me because I wanted to feature it on my blog. Unfortunately, it’s a well-guarded secret recipe and I wasn’t able to get a hold of it. Silly me never asked for the name of said delicious treat, so I wasn’t able to do any research to find similar recipes. Fast forward to a couple of days ago, another friend asked me some advice regarding a recipe he was tackling. The recipe was for sponge drops. I had never heard of sponge drops before, but when I read the description of what they were, it cast my mind back to that delicious treat I had at the social gathering. AH HA! I’ve cracked the mystery! This recipe is by no means any comparison to what I had previously, and I’m still hoping that one day that special recipe will somehow reach me, however, this version will satisfy my cravings for the time being. Sponge drops are incredibly easy to make and are wonderful to have with a cup of tea. You could even make different flavoured ones using any flavour of jam or curd. I decided to use my all-time favourite strawberry jam, Bonne Maman.This recipe makes 12 sponge drops.

Sponge drops with strawberry jam & Chantilly cream
3 eggs, separated, at room temperature
90g self-raising flour, sifted
90g caster sugar

Chantilly cream
150ml thickened cream
½ tsp vanilla bean paste
2 tsp icing sugar, sifted

Preheat oven to 180˚C (fan forced). Line two baking trays with baking paper.

Using an electric beater, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Add the egg yolks and gradually add the sugar whilst still beating and keep beating until the mixture has greatly increased in volume and is very pale and thick.

Beat egg whites until stiff peaks formAdd egg yolks and sugar

Sift the flour over the top of the egg mixture and gently fold in with a metal spoon until combined.

Fold in flour

Some recipes I’ve seen say you can pipe the cake mixture onto the lined baking trays, but I would be concerned that you might squeeze the air out of the mixture. Instead, I’ve used a tablespoon to drop the mixture onto the lined baking trays, leaving a few centimetres between each one to allow for spreading.

Drop cake mixture onto baking tray

Chuck the trays into the oven and bake for about 7 minutes or until the sponge drops are puffed and golden in colour. Leave them to cool completely before lifting them off the baking paper (I used a palette knife to ease them off).

Bake for about 7 minutes

To make the Chantilly cream, whip the cream, vanilla bean paste and icing sugar until soft peaks form.

Whip cream with vanilla bean paste and icing sugar

To fill the sponge drops, pair up the sponge drops that are of similar size. Spread about a teaspoon of jam on the flat side of one of the sponge drops. Place a dob of Chantilly cream on the jam, then sandwich the filling with another sponge drop. Dust with a little icing sugar before serving with your favourite cup of tea.

Add jam onto one half of spponge drop Dob on a bit of cream Sandwich of deliciousness

Note: I would like to thank my friend’s Mum for introducing me to these gorgeous treats, and my other friend for bringing my attention to the sponge drop recipe. This blog post is dedicated to you both! I’ve referred to a couple of recipes for these sponge drops, so if you would like to see the original recipes, click here and here. These sponge drops ended up being a little bigger than I wanted, so the next time I make these, I’ll reduce the amount of cake mixture for each sponge drop from 1 tbs to ¾ tbs.

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9 thoughts on “Sponge drops keep falling on my head

  1. These good lovely. Perfect for a spot of afternoon tea with friends or thrown (from a distance) at a bunch of sugar hungry teens as a treat.

  2. These look delicious and would make a great addition to afternoon tea! I made some Melting moments which are which similar to these- 🙂

  3. I have just been introduced to this wonderful blog by wordpress and I also have a food blog…well baking blog with my friend: Freza! If you have time, we would appreciate it if you had a peek xxx Anyway,These sponge drops look AMAZING and I really want to try them but the only problem is…well I don’t have an electric mixer and whenever I do it by hand it just fails ;( But great recipe! x Thanks xxx

    Frezamy xxx

    • I’ll definitely check out your blog. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog. One of the best investments I’ve made is buying a hand held electric beater. They don’t really cost that much so are worth getting. I think I bought mine for AU$24.

      • Thanks!! I should hope I will get one for my birthday but I suppose it is a good way to keep fit when you are making meringues! These sponge drops look AMAZING and we are really grateful if you check out our blog!! Xxx Thanks so much!

        Nammy + Frezza Xxx

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